
Showing posts from April, 2019

Writing? Never Heard of It

Hey readers!! Talk about a well needed break...I'm sure most of you know what it's like to have severe readers block. I think what's happening here is a case of  the ol' overthinking syndrome. I've been juggling this idea in my mind with about five other plot lines. This story has been haunting me well before I actually sat down to start writing it. I've been planning it for quite some time but haven't really come up with how it's going to end. The idea actually stems from my experience studying abroad. I was in Florence and a lot of people from my school studied there too. What I learned shortly after being there is that just north of Florence there's a U.S. military base and whenever there was a long weekend, Florence would be swarmed with military men. I became good friends with this one guy that had been in the army since he was old enough to join. I learned about his past and how it was quite different than mine. I had never really met man