
Showing posts from February, 2016

To Be Again

What  I would give to feel be able to know the life around me as I did before this. Before the constant deception, the damaging words, the bruised lies. Before you turned me numb. What I would give to love be able to wear my heart on my sleeve with the confidence of a god as I did before this. Before the heart break, the false misconceptions, the shattered pieces you left for me to pick up by myself. Before you turned me cold. What I would give to see be able to find the goodness in everyone as I did before this. Before the misleading masks, the fake smiles, the deeply sad eyes that were mistaken for happy. Before you turned me blind. What I would give to just be be able to move without the feeling of carrying a skeleton on my back. Before you exhausted all the life in me...before you wore me down..before you wrecked me. Before you turned me into this.

Fire and Ice

From the beginning, we’ve been frozen in a deadened state. But, the room around us slowly catches fire and the things that were so masochistic in our cold hearts go up in flames. Within seconds, everything we knew is one big pile of ash. Nothing is distinguishable. Nothing remains except the burns from the once existent flames. The thing about fire is that it disappears after there’s no oxygen left for it to swallow up. It leaves us gasping for air as it transforms our life giving surroundings into smoke filled poison. The air, or what remains of it, is black. What’s behind us is synonymous to what is in front of us. Nothing makes sense and we can’t deviate from the thick cloud suffocating our lungs. But we don’t let it bother us because in the end, burning is far better than being numb. The emotionless cold that we once lived in was unbearable. The thing about the cold is that there are no scars to remind us of the things we’ve endured. That’s why, more often than

Galentine's Day

If you are anything like me, you are just trying to survive the winter without completely transforming into an icicle...and getting through Valentine's Day without taking a total mental turn for the worse. Valentine's Day can be fun!...if you have a significant other to spend it with. Being surrounded by couples does not make it any better either, but thankfully, Galentine's Day is a day before and one hundred times better!  Thanks to Leslie Knope and her desperate need for love on Valentine's Day, we now have Galentine's Day! This is a day dedicated to kicking it with your girl friends and appreciating the most important people in your life before the boyfriends and husbands. This has turned me from a Valentine hater to a Galentine lover! You get to spend a whole day with the better halves of  all  relationships and it helps remind those "drowning in love," that their friends come first and are willing to save them if need be. For those of you in relat